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Georgina Aoun Nouaime

Submit an abstract to win an award with ILMA-USA

ILMA-USA-New England Academic Committee

Call for abstracts

The International Lebanese Medical Association in the USA, New England chapter, invites you to submit scientific abstracts. This submission will provide you with a great opportunity to present your work, get professional feedback, collaborate with others, AND of course get the chance to win an award!

• Submission deadline: March 15th, 2022

• Please email your abstracts to

• Applicants are required to submit an updated version of their CV with their abstract(s).

• Eligible applicants:

❖ Current students or graduates in Lebanon

❖ Trainees enrolled in any of the residency or fellowship programs in Lebanon

❖ Early-career physicians within 2 years of training completion

• Eligible abstracts:

❖ You can submit case reports and original research.

❖ Data should not have been previously published in a medical journal.

❖ We will accept data submitted for publication in a medical journal or “in press”.

❖ We will also accept abstracts that were previously submitted to other meetings or conferences.

❖ Studies conducted as part of graduation thesis are also accepted if approved by thesis mentor(s).

• Abstracts formats:

❖ Abstracts should be in Word documents and in English.

❖ A maximum of 500 words is allowed.

❖ Abstracts should include a title and a list of authors with their affiliation(s). Please specify the presenting author and their email address.

❖ Indicate if the abstract was previously submitted to other meetings or conferences

❖ Abstract must be structured with the following headings:

✓ Introduction (or background)

✓ Methods

✓ Results

✓ Conclusion

• Research has been conducted under approval of appropriate ethics committee (include a clarification letter if not applicable to your institution)

• Abstract reviewing and scoring:

❖ Abstracts will be anonymously assigned to 3 reviewers

❖ Abstract will be judged based on:

✓ Scientific merit and impact

✓ Organization and clarity

✓ Methodology

❖ Abstracts will be checked for plagiarism

❖ The scoring will take into account whether the abstract was previously submitted to other meetings or conferences.

• Awards:

❖ After tabulating the scores, the ILMA USA-New England chapter academic committee will choose the top abstracts, announce the winners, and feature them on the ILMA website.

❖ We will have separate awards for case reports and original research.

❖ Winners will be announced on May 1st, 2022.

Please note: Only those submissions which fully comply with the instructions will be reviewed.

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